About Us
At Fatbeam, we are a business-to-business provider of reliable fiber-based network solutions to enterprise, healthcare, government and education customers looking to accelerate their growth in the Wes
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Fatbeam Fiber
Fatbeam Fiber, headquartered in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, is a leading provider advancing innovation and connecting communities with reliable, scalable, and flexible fiber-based internet solutions to carrier, commercial, healthcare, government/education, and residential customers. Established in 2010, Fatbeam is one of the fastest growing fiber providers in the West with 150,000+ fiber miles across eight states and 150+ cities. Offering competitive pricing and stringent service level agreements, Fatbeam makes connectivity simple! In short, we are driven, passionate, responsive and, most importantly, flexible.
Fatbeam Fiber
- Phone: (509) 344-1008
- Send an Email
- 2065 W Riverstone Dr ste 202 Coeur D Alene Idaho 83814
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