RecreationFood And BeverageLodgingVisit SandpointWeddings & Reunion Services
- 10000 Schweitzer Mountain Rd. Sandpoint ID 83864
- (208) 263-9555
- (877) 487-4643
- (208) 263-0775
- Send Email
Winter Hours 9-4
Night Skiing available Fridays, Saturdays and holidays 3-7
Driving Directions:
North on Hwy 95. Left on Schweitzer Cut-off road at Conoco. At T intersection, take right on N. Boyer. Follow for 1/2 mile and take left at Schweitzer Mountain Road. Follow to village.
About Us
Rated ''The Best Kept Secret in North America'' by SKI Magazine, Schweitzer is quickly rising in the ranks of the nation's top destination resorts with 2900 acres of amazing terrain and renowned tree skiing. Located in the rugged Selkirk Mountains of the northern Idaho panhandle and the northwest Rocky Mountains, Schweitzer overlooks the town of Sandpoint and Lake Pend Oreille. Schweitzer is well known for its two massive bowls, breathtaking views and amazing gladed terrain. For more information about Schweitzer call 877.487.4643

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